Zebra Study, 2023, acrylic on {8 in x 8 in} canvas.
Toxic , 2022, acrylic on wooden panel || Everything in this painting has the potential to seriously harm you □ made for Halloween :)
Swiss Cow, 2022, acrylic on 11"x14" canvas
|| Inspired by a cow I saw while hiking in Switzerland in 2021. :)
Blitzen, 2022, acrylic on 16"x20" canvas || Made as a tribute to my family's dog □
"Kindness of the Giant Panda", work in progress from 2019, 36"x36" oil on canvas || The Giant Panda is no longer an endangered species as of today, and I believe that's because so many people care about them. Because of that attention, the panda's natural habitats are protected which in turn protect a ton of other species-- making the Giant Panda an umbrella species. All of the animals on the branches represent those that the panda in a way protect because they live where the pandas live. (aka the Flying Red Squirrel, Clouded Leopard, Golden Pheasant, Tamrin, Golden Snubbed Nosed Monkey, Red Panda etc) Main Source used: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/extinction-countdown/giant-panda-conservation/
Endangered Animal Series
This series focuses on telling each endangered animal's story by showing scenes of where they live and why they became endangered in the sky while physically disappearing into red flowers. The red color of the flowers symbolizes the violence involved. In each caption, I'll include a link to the most influential website that educated me on their plight and I encourage you to check it out as well.
These three images are from my Senior Show at Art Gallery 100 in 2019. :)
Wooden Elephant, 2019, 11"x14" colored pencil and sharpie drawing on paper
Wooden Bear, 2019, 11"x14" colored pencil and sharpie drawing on paper
"Tribute to Northern White Rhino", 2018, 60"x 72" oil on canvas. || I created this painting as a tribute to the last male Northern White Rhino who passed away.
me pictured with this painting for size reference
"Leopard in the Garden", 2018, 22"x24" oil and acrylic on canvas. {SOLD} || see poem below inspired by this piece! :)
I am the leopard in the garden I roam where I please Surrounded by much With no enemies
My elegance is power My fierceness is grace I have nothing to fear I belong in this place
But do not mistake My calm for content I have known extremes Wherever I went
Now that I live In a lush paradise I’ll slay when I must Though peace would be nice -Marisa Casey 4/3/2019