Read through the blurbs below them to know more about what you're signing up for!
✨ Surreal & Mystery Box ✨ Pet Portrait List
Make sure you check your email after signing up to confirm your spot! It's to make sure that these emails reach you! {I'll only send you emails to notify you when there will be availability, on the day to give you access to my shop, and one at the end of the year :) }
✨ Custom Pet Portrait List✨
If you have any questions, please reach out to me (Kaitlin) through my Contact Page or directly to my email at [email protected] .
*keep scrolling down to know exactly what to expect going forward!
Leave your name and email-- I'll use that info to reach out to you! 😊
Expect a “head’s up” email a month before a booking happens to give you proper notice.
I’ll give you a specific date/time {MST} then on when to expect a shop password.
Bookings happen every 4 months. (Ex. Booking in April for May-August)
If you book: I'll let you know the exact date within that timeframe your portrait will be finished on when you send me your pet's photos after booking.
Each portrait spot will be first come first serve exclusively for those on my mailing list and there will be a set amount.
No limits to the amount you’d like to book at one time.
I'll keep your info on my list until you book or until you reach out to unsubscribe.
Full payment is required in order to reserve your spot. (Accepting Google Pay, Apple Pay, and major credit cards through Square)
I can accept commissions from those who are outside of the U.S. too! 💛
I’ll make a note on my social media when everyone should’ve received emails. If you think you signed up and didn’t receive one, always feel free to reach out to me.
After you book, email me ([email protected] ) your pet's photos-- the more the better! You can go over special requests with me then and I can make sure all of the photos look ideal for the portrait.
+ Check out my FAQ page here to see ideal photos here.
I don't think I've ever said a photo doesn't work--I know sometimes older photos or imperfect poses are the best you can find. I can pair best expressions with best poses or put two animals together from separate photos-- but poor quality/resolution photos can be my Achilles' heel. The clearer the photo, the more detail I can put into the piece and the easier it is on me to paint.
I'll let you know the exact day your painting will be finished on and you should expect a photo of the finished piece to approve on that day. If everything looks good to go, I can ship it out asap. If it doesn't, I'm always down to do edits until it's perfect in your eyes.
I ship through USPS Priority Mail and it should reach you in about 3 business days if you're in the United States or up to 14 business days for international shipping.
For more answers to general questions,please check out my FAQ page here.